2025 - Volume 13 [Issue 1]

Minireview Article

Original Research Article

Floristic Inventory of the Ngoltongo Botanical Garden at Sindia, Mbour Department, Senegal

Diatta K, Diatta W, Mbaye AI, Sarr A, Dieng SIM, Gueye A, Fall AD

DOI: 10.9734/aprj/2025/v13i1288

Page: 1-14

Biofortification of Potato Tubers with Zinc Fertilizer Through Soil

S. Ahammed, M. A. Rahim, M. I. Hossain

DOI: 10.9734/aprj/2025/v13i1290

Page: 23-36

The Leaves and Seeds of Vigna subterranean (Bambara Nut) Inhibit the Growth of Selected Bacterial and Fungal Organisms

Kelechi Henry Silas, Chizaram Winners Ndubueze, Stanley Chukwuchebem Anorue, Ekenedirichukwu Blasingame Ahaneku

DOI: 10.9734/aprj/2025/v13i1291

Page: 37-45

Preliminary Metabolomics and Determination of a Potent Anti-inflammatory Fraction of Freshwater Brown Algae

Nwankwo Valerie Ezinne, Muoegbunam Juliet, Abba Chika, Okoye Festus B.C, Ugwu Chukwuebuka C, Ngwoke Kenneth G

DOI: 10.9734/aprj/2025/v13i1293

Page: 56-68

Evaluation of the Fixed Population of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (lam.) Zepernick & Timler Along the Climate Variation in Benin (West Africa)

Guendehou Ferdinand, Djossa Agossou Bruno, Bio Anselme, Assogbadjo Achille Ephrem

DOI: 10.9734/aprj/2025/v13i1294

Page: 69-80

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